Fred Fisher's Light Rein Horses Blog

Back to Basics

Whenever it seems like my clients are struggling with doing something on their horses, we take a step back and work on some basic exercises to help break down exactly what they are struggling with.

This week, everyone tied the reins and rode without hands to work on communication with legs. This has highlighted weaknesses in the seat and lower leg and helps with balance. Sounds simple, but if you can't turn your horse around a cone, or in a circle, with just your legs, then you need to work on this! It will improve your seat, balance and relaxation, plus strengthen your bond with your horse. All of our horses here move well off of your leg, so this exercise helps you understand the amount of pressure and placement of your spur that you are using.

Throw some random cones out in the ring and try it! It's fun and you will learn something about how you use your body.