Fred Fisher's Light Rein Horses Blog

June Blue Ribbon Show

Team Light Rein enjoyed great success at the June Blue Ribbon show!  We are so proud of our Team, who endured the scorching weather and showed beautifully, in spite of the heat and the trailer's generator, which kept cutting out every time we tried to use the air conditioner.  We're putting it in the shop before the next show.  We don't want to have to deal with that again!  We've only got a photo of one exhibitor's awards this month, because everyone else has already taken off to places like Hawaii and Burbank on summer vacations to get out of the heat.  Enjoy your time off, guys!  Here's Molly's awards for the June show, including two high point trophies, a reserve high point trophy, 8 first place trophies, and a reserve champion at halter ribbon.  Molly also won $7 in the jackpot class!  Congratulations to all of Team Light Rein!  We're proud of you all!  Have a great summer!