Winner's Circle

Saguaro Classic Success!

#TeamLightRein had an awesome show at the Saguaro Classic Horse Show! Kevin Kuzma and Fred each received 3 Grand Champion and a Reserve Grand Champion in Halter Mares, and Kevin was 3rd and 4th in his Ranch Riding classes. Carla Vetter was Circuit Champion in her HUS, HSE and HMS classes, and 2,3,4 in her WP class. Christine Clark was Circuit Champion in her WP class. Delia McCormick was Circuit Champion in her Showmanship class, and 2nd in her Halter class and 2,4 in her WP class. Kaitlyn Fisher was Circuit Champion in her HUS and HSE classes, and 2,2,4,4,5,5 in her Ranch Riding classes. Molly Fisher won her WP class under all 4 judges on day 1, and was 2nd on day 2. She was 2nd under all 4 judges in Halter Geldings. She also won a gallon of EquiFuse product in a 3-way tie in the Showmanship Champagne Challenge. What a great show! #RideOn!
#TeamLightRein had an awesome show at the Saguaro Classic Horse Show! Kevin Kuzma and Fred each received 3 Grand Champion and a Reserve Grand Champion in Halter Mares, and Kevin was 3rd and 4th in his Ranch Riding classes. Carla Vetter was Circuit Champion in her HUS, HSE and HMS classes, and 2,3,4 in her WP class. Christine Clark was Circuit Champion in her WP class. Delia McCormick was Circuit Champion in her Showmanship class, and 2nd in her Halter class and 2,4 in her WP class. Kaitlyn Fisher was Circuit Champion in her HUS and HSE classes, and 2,2,4,4,5,5 in her Ranch Riding classes. Molly Fisher won her WP class under all 4 judges on day 1, and was 2nd on day 2. She was 2nd under all 4 judges in Halter Geldings. She also won a gallon of EquiFuse product in a 3-way tie in the Showmanship Champagne Challenge. What a great show! #RideOn!
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