Fred Fisher's Light Rein Horses Blog

The last week of the year....

Well, this year has flown by!

We are now in our new barn and settled. Lessons happening on a regular basis and getting geared up for the 2012 show season. The first show of the year is January 5th- the Arizona National Horse Show at Westworld.

Start the new year off right and make sure your memberships are all up to date for 2012. AzQHA, AQHA, NSBA and any clubs you have joined like EVAHA too! Your points won't count if you haven't paid your dues!

I just found a great new app for AQHA- they've created an app so you can have your rulebook on your smart phone! It's available for Android and for iPhones/pads. It makes looking up the rules really easy and it's FREE! You can always download the PDF of the rulebook to your computer, but the app option makes this so convenient! Check it out.

Here's to a healthy and happy New Year and one filled with achieving all the goals you've set!