Fred Fisher's Light Rein Horses Blog

It's heating up!

This weekend is the first AzQHA Scholarship show in the 4 show series. The barn has been really busy with everyone getting ready! It's good to see how hard everyone is working toward their goals. I hope everyone who goes has a great day and achieves or moves closer to those goals. Competition isn't easy, it takes many, many trips into the show ring to achieve consistent results. Always seems like it's a few steps forward and one back till it all comes together! Then it's a beautiful thing!

It's going to be in the 90's, so water and electrolytes (for people and horses!) will be essential.

Last weekend, was a blast! Got to head out on a trail ride on Angel with Roxanne & Buster and Scott & Chickory. What a great day. Hope to have a few pictures to post soon. I know Roxanne took one of Angel and I in the water. She really wanted to swim, but I wasn't ready to get wet. Not that trip at least!

Wish us all luck!