Fred Fisher's Light Rein Horses Blog

Double Triples and More!

#TeamLightRein had another incredibly successful show at the November TRIPLE judged Blue Ribbon Horse Shows show! Glenda Roberts showed her 7 month old filly "Cool Bo" for the first time ever, and little Bo did an amazing job, setting up and standing calmly for the judges, taking 2nd and 3rd in her Halter class! Kaitlyn Fisher took High Point under all three judges in the 18 and under Western division! Molly Fisher took High Point under all three judges in the 19 and over Western Division! Kevin Kuzma took Reserve High Point in the Ranch Division! Richele Carroll was 3rd and 4th in her two Walk-Trot Divisions for High Point! Wow, what a great show, Team! We're very proud of all of you! #RideOn!

A Little Fun for Fred!

Due to unforseen circumstances, our amazing trainer Fred got to have a little fun all on his own today at the AzQHA Arizona Stock Horse No Bling Show! He had an awesome go in Open Ranch Riding, receiving a plus on every maneuver but one, where a slight bobble knocked him into 4th place, and he also had an amazing go in Open Reining and placed 2nd, with "Make N It Snappy", aka "Hank"! Way to go, Fred! #RideOn!

Here Comes the JUDGE!

Fred had a great time judging the Scottsdale Saddle Club horse show yesterday! He was exhausted after about 9 hours standing in the arena, but he enjoys judging! Thanks for the opportunity, SSC! #RideOn!

We Have 500 Facebook Likes!

We have reached 500 REAL facebook fans!!!! Thank you to all of our followers! #RideOn!